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    Ludovic Clément d’Armont

    Ludovic CLEMENT d’ARMONT is the creator of Semeur d’étoiles. That is the continuation of a family tradition of centuries of gentle glassmakers, painters, carpenters and artists. Both an engineer and an artist, he combines creative emotions with optical, electronic, thermal, environmental, electrical, chemical, color, energy, mechanical and medical knowledge. His pleasure is do discuss with his clients to achieve the ideal piece. Ludovic presents his approach: “First, the simplicity of my work is based on a fundamental thought: that nature and science are similar. My creative process marks the identity of mathematics and nature: the selective experimentation of the nature and human research lead to the same decisions. That is why, analysis and experimentation mingle in my creation. Because the intelligence of nature is the long time of his experiments, just like that of man is the number of its research. The aesthetic result aims to illustrate and proclaim this, in a dreamy and amazed shout, showing the fusion of sciences and life. The place of man inside the Universe is thus clear: humanism becomes the demonstrated organization of society.”

    Semeur d’Étoiles has embarked on an eco-design approach with experts (Ademe) since 2009. More recently, with VIA manufacturing experts, the approach was taken even further, taking into account all ecological and human aspects: waste (used for glass and metals), recyclable materials, recycled materials, manufacturing processes, packaging, transport, manufacturing energy, operating consumption, repairability, recycling, sustainable supply. Spectacular results have been obtained, including a 73% saving on manufacturing energy consumption. All our creations are lit exclusively by the highest quality LEDs available: high efficiency, long life, replaceable. The economic and ecological benefit is considerable! Our cleverly composed flat surface luminaires are effective thermal and phonic insulators. And as ecology is nothing without the respect of man, Semeur d’Étoiles takes the greatest care of its supplies, essentially of proximity. A reinsertion workshop manufactures elements. Finally, through this complete eco-design approach in which we position ourselves, the materials we use have little impact on the environment. In our workshop we work mainly with perfectly recyclable and systematically recycled metals and glass. In addition, these durable materials allow you to use our creations indefinitely, in a way opposite to the consumer society. Especially since the design is made so that everything can be repaired if necessary.

    Light is essential in a space: for the aesthetics of the place and for the happiness of its occupants. Esthete, collector, great decorator, architect, hotelier, you put all your talent to design unique spaces. For those who are tired of ordinary lighting, Semeur d’étoiles creates exceptional lights. Chandeliers, ceilings and walls become light sculptures, so delicate that they seem alive. Light plays with materials worked by hand in a new way: glass, crystal, porcelain, brass. Precise work on light – which we model as a material – offers you new forms and light effects. Our complete eco-design approach ensures you get a current and sustainable piece. Centered on people, in dialogue with you, we design and manufacture a unique piece. The individual is at the center of the light, to bring him this French Art de Vivre. Our prestigious clients and our awards show the excellence of our achievements. Visit the site or visit us at the workshop, between Paris and Versailles. We will receive you there with great pleasure. Rather than a light fixture, choose a work of art that will please you, and take value.