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    El Elogio De la Sombra

    The truth lies in a state of darkness and shadow, where existence is without form.
    In Praise of Shadows (1933), Junichiro Tanizaki


    Philia and Hada are happy to announce their new show in Mexico City with an immersive exhibition inspired by Junichiro Tanizaki‘s influential work “In Praise of Shadows”. Exploring the idea of shadow and bringing together a set of sculptural design works comprised solely of local talents, the exhibition will be presented and highlighted by Paola Jose from Sombra, a designer whose practice is based on reinventing spaces based on light and darkness.

    The shadow is the interstice between presence and absence and between darkness and light. This exhibition will undertake an exploration of what the shadow offers visually and conceptually. It will offer a scenographic reflection of what resonates in each person when they are in contact with the shadow.

    A performance will also take place on the opening night in order to extend the visual reflection through another medium.

    Eliana Portilla will be showcasing a new shelf case whose steel surface invites a constant play for the reflecting light. NUDA will present a sculptural console from a trilogy of works titled “Caliza’s Labyrinth”. While the various sculptural lamps by Federico Stefanovich set the mood of the space, Andres Monnier’s sculptural rock pieces and candelabra will amplify the effects of shadow. As Mesawa and Studio Ayres are developing brand new pieces with this theme in mind, Panorammma’s Chainmail series and several works that explore the idea of dark and light will be showcased together for the first time.