1. Where were you born and where are you from ?
I was born in Trappes, France, in 1992. I never left this country.
2. What is your first memory connected to the art world ?
When I was twelve years old, I had to see a speech therapist in Paris. I remember to go there with my mum and after the appointment we used to go visit Beaubourg and Palais de Tokyo exhibition.
3. Have you always worked in the art/design field ?
Kind of, I started my atelier directly after my graduation in product design.
4. What led you to the design creation ?
After my studies, I wanted to create and build things with my hands. Asking question like How to interact nature with industry ? Managing production in super-Local, my aim was to create usual object in a responsible way. That field lead me naturally to wood and organic sculptural object. Because an energy inside was asking to get out. So I start to shape wood by listening and feeling the material.
5. How would you describe your creative process and it influences ?
The creative process is long and fast in a same time. I start to get Ideas by talking with people, looking at other ways of life. By that I develop thinking in my mind and paper. After a long period (6 month to 1 year) some ideas stays and other leave. So I need to get them out of my brain, I do a prototype generally for an exhibition, called P.0 model. They are usually unique pieces. Once the idea takes life I continue to work on details by making new models and then it create a family.
My creative process is generative of ideas by making, each pieces are determined by a shaping process and mark. It is influenced by surf shaping and natural environnent.
6. Could you describe a typical day of your work ?
Early wake up, atelier production for ten hours, eat, drink and sleep ahah
7. Why did you choose the specific materials you work with ?
Wood is a local material. Since we lived on this planet, Human always used wood to create tools and sculpture. It’ a primitive material that helps us today to reconnect with the nature.

8. What are the technical particularities of your creations ?
My creations plays with this illusion of Monobloc object. Technical assemblies are hidden by one curve drawing the entire object. A dyed process is applied on it to enhance its illusion. Also dying allows to fake raw steel material and by contrasting the wood veneer I can create pattern that doesn’t exist in real. The overview is very technical but at its end looks simple and light.
9. What advices could you give to beginning artists who would like to create sculptural design works ?
There is no real advice to give to someone that believe in something and do it. If there is something I would’ve liked someone to tell me it would be : be patient and don’t go out to soon.
10. If your works had to belong to a design movement, in which one would you define it ?
Between Art&craft, Art Nouveau and Arte Povera
11. What designers have influenced you ?
The first ones were Charles and Ray Eames, then Dieter Rams, Martin Szekely, Andrea Branzi, George Nakashima, Sōri Yanagi
12. What contemporary designers do you appreciate ?
Most of them are designers that I met once and friend, I like their works but I don’t want to forget someone. The one I’m crazy actually is Vicenzo de Cotiis working with Carpenters workshop.
13. What contemporary artists (in any kind of art) have you been inspired by ?
Giusepe Penone, Jun’ichirō Tanizaki, Joseph Walsh , Valentin Loellmann, Charles Baudelaire, Miro
14. If you had to summarize your creations in one word or sentence, what would it be ?
Organic minimalism
15. Is there anything you would like to add ?
Yes, thanks you for this interview. It’s been a pleasure to write those few words about my work. Take a look from above.
Proust Questionnaire with very short answers (one or a few words) :
(The Proust Questionnaire is a set of questions answered by the French writer Marcel Proust. Other historical figures who have answered confession albums are Oscar Wilde, Karl Marx, Arthur Conan Doyle, Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Cézanne…)
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
2. What is your greatest fear?
Forget the one I loved
3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Being impulsive
4. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
5. Which living person do you most admire?
My mum
6. What is your greatest extravagance?
Church climbing
7. What is your current state of mind?
8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
9. What is the quality you most like in a man?
10. What is the quality you most like in a woman?
11. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
12. Which talent would you most like to have?
13. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My strength
14. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Dune sofa for Venise biennale
15. If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
A winter cap
16. Where would you most like to live?
Close to the sea
17. What is your most treasured possession?
A pen from my grandfather I never had the chance to met
18. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Rich alone unloved
19. What is your favorite occupation?
20. What is your most marked characteristic?
Le regard
21. What do you most value in your friends?
They are present
22. Who are your favorite writers?
23. Who is your hero of fiction?
Simba in Lion of king
24. Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Jacques Cousteau
25. Who are your heroes in real life?
Team mate, Friends and Family
26. What are your favorite names?
Marco, Ambre , Edward
27. What is it that you most dislike?
Lost time
28. What is your greatest regret?
Being shy in love
29. How would you like to die?
Without pain
30. What is your motto?
Be patient, It will works